Dear EPIA Member,
Now that the celebratory holidays have passed, we can once again concentrate on the business of growing the demand for packaged ice in Europe. We sincerely hope that 2020 brings all of us good health, great fortune, and wonderful memories to share in future conventions. EPIA has now passed its first decade as an association dedicated to the continued growth and improvement of the packaged ice industry.
The packaged ice industry has changed significantly during these years and I truly believe that the EPIA has had a beneficial effect on these changes. When the EPIA was started we were thrashing around looking for direction and searching for how to share ideas, grow the package ice business in Europe, and improve our production and distribution methods. We were and are still improving how we as EPIA members grow the personal consumable ice demand in our market areas.
Now to the business part. We, as EPIA members, have contributed personally and financially to this effort. We originally set the membership fees to be very low for a number of reasons. One of those reasons was that it was expected that there would be a great deal of member participation. In the early years, there was a great deal of member participation in Board of Director and Committee activities. During the past years the committee participation diminished to the point that we only have committees appointed when a special project is needed and all other activity falls on to the annually elected Directors. We also have two positions with small stipends who effectively coordinate all activities of the association with the guidance of the elected BoD.
The membership dues have not kept up with inflation. In 2014 the dues were adjusted to accommodate the various sales volume levels to keep the EPIA membership affordable for the new and fledgling producers and to keep the association solvent so that it can represent all industry participants.
Our packaged ice business has now grown exponentially over the past few years and we as your BoD have found that the association must invest in our continuing future if we expect to continue to guide the industry to our individual benefit. Once again, we must make some adjustments to keep the EPIA capable to continue shaping the packaged ice industry in a meaningful way
Another cost of doing business that has been difficult to contain is the convention costs and supporting attendance fees. Originally the convention fees were set to provide full cost recovery of the convention and provide a small cushion for any unexpected shortfall. This worked well for most conventions (Venice was special and special funding arrangements were implemented in the years leading up to the ten years anniversary convention), but inflation has also seriously impacted our historic flat fee of €315 and €285 for attendance.
With this explanation, please find the new membership and convention attendance fee structure that your BoD’s have approved for 2020. This structure takes into account the shortfalls experienced for the past few years and the hopefully low inflation expectations for the next few years. The BoD has also seen the membership configuration change with some now much larger producers that are relatively much larger that was found when we first organized. This change has also caused some consolidation in the number of member companies in the association, but not in the number of association participants. This issue has been mitigated by adding a fourth level of producer member for dues payment.
The new membership and convention registration fees beginning 1 January 2020 are as follows:
Annual Dues
Annual Convention Fees
VERY IMPORTANT: Producers and Distributors!
Can you please contact Maryse, as soon as possible, in order to update your production rate, this has to be taken into account for the invoicing!
Best Regards,
EPIA Board of Directors